Thank you for visiting our home on the web! Here you will find news, products, information, tour schedule, and a tour schedule for my solo performing dates as well. Please feel free to sign the guestbook and let me know you've visited! You can sign up for the email newsletter and every few weeks I will let you know what's going on and what to expect. Also, if you are on Facebook and would like to connect with me that way, please click the Facebook icon in the upper right hand corner of website. The quartet is actually in the process of releasing a brand new recording with 10 great songs, and also will be sending to radio a brand new single that musicians have already laid down an awesome track for!  The most important page on my site is the Salvation Page. If you don't have a personal relationship with Christ and would like to, please visit that page! Since the pandemic that swept our nation it was a hard time to travel. Starting in 2024 I am working deligently to fill spots at any venue with even greater testimonies and greater thrill, so if you are interested in getting myself or Driven Quartet back to your church or area, please contact me through the contact page here on this website! God Bless and thank you all for your support and prayers the last 20 years, thankful for the opportunity to continuing doing what I Love! 

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